"I have this random fascination with chemicals in every day products, and it led me to this podcast. Amazing thoughtfulness and fantastic book recommendations. I love this podcast!!! Very informative. Thank you."
>< Rose
"In the wide world of podcasts this show drills down to a specific set of information that I personally have wanted to access my whole life ... you can tell that thoughtful consideration was given to each portion of the podcast for the benefit of the audience."
>< Mr. Arcadia
"At this point in time, quite a few 'serious' food podcasts have populated the space. This one is by far my favorite. While many of the others feel stuffy and overly scripted, Mel keeps things loose while dropping knowledge bombs. If you live in a country where processed foods dominate, it is definitely worth your time to start listening to this podcast from episode 1."
>< Jonathan Cook
"Solid podcast. Highlights ingredients and takes stock of cultural interests in food. Every item featured to date about everyone has heard of. Thus the information is relevant to all!"
>< fun7678
"Mr. Weinstein delivers practical information in a straightforward manner. He neither speaks above nor below the intelligence of the listener. The opinions he expresses don't compromise his analysis, but, rather, keep it interesting. Consumers should appreciate this podcast."
>< zakerflex
"I thoroughly enjoy this podcast and hope it continues! As someone with little chemistry knowledge, elucidation into what actually goes into making a lot of the food I eat is refreshing to hear ... straight science, no gimmicks. Two thumbs up!!!"
>< Hello Keety
>< Rose
"In the wide world of podcasts this show drills down to a specific set of information that I personally have wanted to access my whole life ... you can tell that thoughtful consideration was given to each portion of the podcast for the benefit of the audience."
>< Mr. Arcadia
"At this point in time, quite a few 'serious' food podcasts have populated the space. This one is by far my favorite. While many of the others feel stuffy and overly scripted, Mel keeps things loose while dropping knowledge bombs. If you live in a country where processed foods dominate, it is definitely worth your time to start listening to this podcast from episode 1."
>< Jonathan Cook
"Solid podcast. Highlights ingredients and takes stock of cultural interests in food. Every item featured to date about everyone has heard of. Thus the information is relevant to all!"
>< fun7678
"Mr. Weinstein delivers practical information in a straightforward manner. He neither speaks above nor below the intelligence of the listener. The opinions he expresses don't compromise his analysis, but, rather, keep it interesting. Consumers should appreciate this podcast."
>< zakerflex
"I thoroughly enjoy this podcast and hope it continues! As someone with little chemistry knowledge, elucidation into what actually goes into making a lot of the food I eat is refreshing to hear ... straight science, no gimmicks. Two thumbs up!!!"
>< Hello Keety